Valencia Property Search

302,50 605,00 

Valencia Property Search 
a service offered to a client that includes finding listings, scheduling viewings and answering all the possible queries. The price includes IVA.


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Valencia Property Search

  • Finding listings: At the start of Valencia Property Search  process, the buying agent will inquire about the buyer’s needs and preferences in order to determine what their ideal home looks like. This information will be used to start Valencia Property Search and find suitable properties. As new listings come on the market, the agent will notify the buyer of any properties that meet their criteria.
  • Scheduling viewings: The buyers will go through the listings their agent sends them and select the ones they want to see in person. The agent will then work with the listing agents (or the sellers if the home is for sale by owner) to schedule a time for the buyers to tour the property.
  • Questioning and answering: The buying agent will typically accompany buyers to all viewings, use their expertise to advise on the specific property, and ask the listing agent or private seller questions that the buyers may not know to ask in order to gain more insight into the seller’s circumstances and the property’s condition.

Full description of Property Buying Agent services here

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